See how Malwarebytes for Windows makes antivirus obsolete with a 14-day free trial of Premium. Entering valid license keys will turn on the premium features again. It’s just that the features have been turned off. If after 14 days you haven’t entered valid license keys, the premium features are disabled but it’s still the same program that you installed.

This gives you a real test drive of how Malwarebytes Premium is going to be protecting your system, in real-time. When you install Malwarebytes for the first time on your device (PC or otherwise) it works as the premium version for 14 days. The threat scanner in the premium version is much more elaborate – unlimited – as you would expect for a paid version.

The question is “are you prepared to let your system become compromised and then take action after the event?” This article will help you make an informed decision.

With this kind of protection, your system is less likely to be compromised. This means it protects your identity and privacy, protects your documents, financial files from ransomware, protects you from malicious and fraudulent websites and much more. On the other hand, Malwarebytes Premium stands guard against most known threats in real time.
Malwarebytes Free has a limited scanner that scans your system for malware, trojans and other threats that have already compromised your device.